Contact us

For requests and enquiries, please get in touch with us via


or write to us:

European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants
Hofmannstrasse 7A
DE-81379 München, Germany

or reach us via phone:

Phone: +49 (0)89 / 89083260
Fax: +49 (0)89/ 890832610

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

How to find us

S-Bahn S1 direction Ostbahnhof:
Please change at Donnersberger Brücke. Follow the sign and take the MetroBus 53 direction Aidenbachstrasse. From the S-Bahn platform, you need to go up one level (escalator). Then walk towards the exit but do not leave the station. You need to cross the big street by using the pedestrian tunnel. On street level, you find the bus stop, get off at Hofmannstrasse. Our office is located on the other side of the road, approx. 50 meters to the left.

Attention: If you go back to the airport with the blue line S1 direction Neufahrn, please get on the last coach segment in the rear. The train may be divided in Neufahrn and continue in different directions.

The airport ticket costs approximately 11 Euros (“Partner airport ticket” 20 Euros, up to 5 passengers). You may purchase the ticket at the ticket machines, payable with EC or credit card. The ticket is valid all day until the next morning at 6 a.m. for unlimited travels

Travel by train:
At Munich main station (Hauptbahnhof/HBF), follow the S-Bahn sign and take any S-Bahn in direction Laim or Pasing. The S-Bahn floor is located underground. Get off at Donnersberger Brücke and change as described above, using the MetroBus 53 direction Aidenbachstrasse which takes you to Hofmannstrasse 7A.

If you travel by car, please check your route with Google Maps or other online route planners.

Travel by plane:
From Munich Airport, you may take either the yellow line S-Bahn S8 or the blue airport line/S-Bahn S1 that alternate each other every 10 minutes.

S-Bahn S8 direction Herrsching:
Please change at Marienplatz and walk towards the subway sign. The subway level is below the S-Bahn level. Take the orange subway line U3 direction Fürstenried West. Get off at Aidenbachstrasse and walk in the direction exit Hofmannstrasse / Gmunder Straße (a sign is leading you). After 100 meters straight ahead, you will reach Hofmannstrasse. Then turn left and after approx. 300 meters you get to the EFCNI office at Hofmannstrasse 7A, 5th floor.