Developing recommendations for the operation of human milk banks
Mother’s own milk is the best and first nutritional choice for newborns and especially for preterm, sick, and low birthweight babies. Whenever mother’s own milk is not available, donor human milk is the next best option. To ensure the supply of mother’s own milk and donor human milk for preterm babies, EFCNI initiated an international project with the aim to support clinical centres in Germany, Switzerland and Austria with the setup and operation of human milk banks.
Position paper
Position paper
Recommendations for promoting human milk banks in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
The interdisciplinary project Scientific Advisory Board has compared and summarised current guidelines from several European countries. Based on their work and experiences, they have developed recommendations for the support of human milk banks in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. These recommendations reflect the current scientific consensus and take feasibility into account.
Empfehlungen zur Förderung von Frauenmilchbanken in der DACH-Region
Der interdisziplinäre Expertenbeirat hat aktuelle Leitlinien europäischer Länder verglichen und zusammengefasst. Auf dieser Basis wurden gemeinsam Empfehlungen zur Förderung von Frauenmilchbanken in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz formuliert, die auf der aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Datenlage aufbauen und die Umsetzbarkeit in den Alltag berücksichtigen.
Toolkit for establishing and organising human milk banks
The toolkit was developed with the aim to support clinical centres in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in the setup and operation of human milk banks. It contains examples of best-practise, concrete instructions and templates for checklists and information leaflets.
Handbuch für die Errichtung und Organisation von Frauenmilchbanken
Um Kliniken im deutschsprachigen Raum bestmöglich bei der Errichtung und der Organisation von Frauenmilchbanken zu unterstützen, wurde ein Handbuch entwickelt. Die enthaltenen Praxisbeispiele, konkreten Handlungsanleitungen und Vorlagen sollen es Kliniken zukünftig erleichtern, eine Frauenmilchbank zu etablieren.
EFCNI Workshops for the setup and organisation of human milk banks
Within the EFCNI Academy, workshops on the setup and organisation of human milk banks were carried out in 2018 and in 2019. During the one-day workshops, experts gave insight into the work of established milk banks and shared their experiences and expertise. The workshops were intended for paediatricians, lactation consultants, as well as other healthcare professionals who were interested in milk banks.
EFCNI Workshops zum Aufbau und Betrieb einer Frauenmilchbank
Im Rahmen der in 2018 neu gegründeten EFCNI Academy fanden 2018 und 2019 mehrere Workshops zum „Aufbau und Betrieb einer Frauenmilchbank“ statt. In einem eintägigen Workshop gaben renommierte Experten Einblicke in die Arbeit bestehender Frauenmilchbanken und teilten ihre Erfahrungen aus klinischer und pflegerischer Sicht. Der Workshop richtet sich an Ärzte/Ärztinnen, Stillberater/innen, Krankenschwestern sowie weitere Fachpersonen, die eine eigene Frauenmilchbank aufbauen möchten.
Testimonial from a participant of the human milk bank workshop in 2019:
“I learned a lot in this workshop, it really was a fantastic event. We received a huge amount of interesting and useful information that will help us to establish a human milk bank in our hospital.”
Cooperation partners / Kooperationspartner der Veranstaltungsreihe
Impressions from milk bank workshops
Members of the project Scientific Advisory Board (in alphabetic order)

Members of the project Scientific Advisory Board during the last meeting
- Professor Michael Abou-Dakn – Berlin, Germany
- Dr Stefanie Baranowski – Ulm, Germany
- Dr Monika Berns – Berlin, Germany
- Katarina Eglin – Darmstadt, Germany
- Professor Andreas Flemmer – Munich, Germany
- Dr Corinna Gebauer – Leipzig, Germany
- Dr René Glanzmann – Basel, Switzerland
- Janine Grunert – Basel, Switzerland
- Professor Nadja Haiden – Vienna, Austria
- Dr Erna Hattinger – Salzburg, Austria
- Dr Susanne Herber-Jonat – Munich, Germany
- Dr Edda Hofstätter – Salzburg, Austria
- Dr Daniel Klotz – Freiburg, Germany
- Madeleine Kujawa – Munich, Germany
- Dr Eva-Maria Mair – Ulm, Germany
- Dr Andreas Malzacher – St.Gallen, Switzerland
- Caroline Peter – Basel, Switzerland
- Professor Michael Radke – Rostock/Potsdam, Germany
- Elke Sams – Salzburg, Austria
Related links
European Milk Bank Association
Feature of the project in the magazine Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde (abstract available in German and English)
The entire project is kindly supported by