
Medical and scientific factsheets

Breastfeeding a preterm Infant

Breastfeeding a preterm baby (updated English version)Download

Stillen von Frühgeborenen (updated German version) Download

Alăptarea unui copil prematur (Romanian version) Download

Clinical Trials in Newborns

Clinical Trials in Newborns (in English)Download

Essais cliniques chez les nouveaux-nés (in French)Download

Fortification in preterm and sick infants

Fortification: nutritional additives for preterm and sick babies (in English)Download

Anreicherung: Ergänzung der Nahrung von Frühgeborenen und kranken Babys (in German)Download

Fortificación: aditivos nutricionales para bebés prematuros y enfermos (in Spanish)Download

Parenteral Nutrition

Parenteral Nutrition  (in English)Download

Parenterale Ernährung  (in German)Download

Parenterális táplálása  (in Hungarian)Download

Парентеральне харчування (in Ukrainian)Download

Parenteral Nutrition (for healthcare professionals)

Parenteral Nutrition  (in English)Download

Parenterale Ernährung  (auf Deutsch)Download


Pre-eclampsia (in English)Download

Pré-éclampsie (in French)Download

Pre-eclampsie (in Dutch)Download

Präeklampsie (in German)Download

προεκλαμψία (in Greek)Download

Преэклампсия (in Russian)Download

Preeklampszia (in Hungarian)Download

רעלת הריון (in Hebrew)Download

Preterm birth

Preterm birth (in English)Download

Preterm birth (in German)Download

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) 

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) (in English)Download

Respiracní syncytiální virus (RSV) (in Czech)Download

Respiratory syncytial vírus (RSV) (in Dutch)Download

Das Respiratorische Syncytial-Virus (RSV) (in German)Download

Αναπνευστικός συγκυτιακός ιός (RSV) (in Greek) Download

Respiratory syncytial vírus (RSV) (in Hungarian)Download

Vírus Sincicial Respiratório (VSR) (in Portuguese)Download

Virus Respiratorio Sincitial (VRS) (in Spanish)Download

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (for healthcare professionals)

Respiratory Syncytial Virus  (in English)Download

Respiratory Syncytial Virus  (in German)Download

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) (in English)Download

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) (in German)Download

Thermoregulation in preterm babies

Thermoregulation (in English)Download

Thermoregulation (in German)Download

Termorregulación (in Spanish)Download

La thermorégulation (in French)Download

Hőszabályozása (in Hungarian)Download

Терморегуляция (in Russian)Download

Welcoming the parents in the neonatal intensiv care unit


Welcoming the parents in the neonatal intensive care unit (in English)

Die Familie auf der Frühgeborenen-Intensivstation (in German) Download

Why the first 1000 days of life matter

Why the first 1000 days of life matter (in English)Download

Warum die ersten 1000 Tage so wichtig sind (in German)Download

         Miért fontos az első 1000 nap? (in Hungarian)Download

Factsheet on campaigns

Socks for Life Download

World Prematurity Day Download

Einfach Händewaschen – Kinderleichter Schutz vor Infektionen (in German)Download