We are happy to provide you with plenty of material for your World Prematurity Day activities for free download. Each year, we develop a new topic and new material to support our community and everyone who wishes to engage in World Prematurity Day with social media graphics, banners, factsheets, and much more. We kindly ask you to respect the copyright and ownership of EFCNI regarding these materials. Below you find a few guidelines on how to use these graphics and other resources. We wish you great World Prematurity Day celebrations!
Guidelines for the use of the materials offered by EFCNI
- Feel free to use the material for awareness-raising in hospitals, for your event, press and media, or on social media
- tag us @efcni (Facebook and Instagram) or @EFCNIwecare (Twitter) so we can like and share your postings
- Use the material only for awareness rising, information, or fundraising for your non-profit organisation
- Do not alter the image – it is what makes us recognizable around the world
- Feel free to add the logos and names of your individual supporters and partners, but do not remove or change the EFCNI logo
- Do not alter the layout and design of the templates (e.g. colour, type, composition)
- For industry: Use any of EFCNI’s World Prematurity Day material ONLY IF YOU ARE CURRENT PARTNER OF EFCNI. Do NOT use the material for marketing or sales purposes of products or services.
In case of any doubts about the correct use of our material, please share with us in advance a draft and/or preview of your designed material – before printing or publishing, and foresee time for a possible exchange and approval process.
We warmly thank our partner (parent) organisations for helping us with the translation of the World Prematurity Day logo and the annual themed materials.
World Prematurity Day Chat
As in previous years, we organise an online chat on the occasion of World Prematurity Day to raise awareness about the challenges of preterm birth. The chat will take place on 14 November 2024 on X (formerly known as Twitter). The goal is to make the impact of preterm birth visible, to educate people about the topic, and to drum up attention for World Prematurity Day later that week.
Everyone is cordially invited to participate in the chat on 14 November (3-4 pm AEDT / 9-10 am EST / 2-3 pm GMT / 3-4 pm CET). Posts can be in English or any other language – it is also a great way to show how international our community is. Please just make sure to use #WPD24Chat in all your posts.
World Prematurity Day - Campaign material
Together with around 150 parent and patient organisations as well as medical societies and further supporting organisations, we have developed campaign material to raise awareness for preterm birth. Use the hashtag #WorldPrematurityDay2024 when using these graphics and remember to tag @efcni and/or @GlanceNetwork and @glance_network on Instagram. For further information, text templates, information on national and global events as well as all campaign materials at a glance, check out our social media toolkit. It provides you with all the input you need for your own World Prematurity Day campaign or activity.
World Prematurity Day - Social Media Graphics
When building your own WPD 2024 social media graphics,
please follow our guidelines.
World Prematurity Day - Logo Badge
Download this logo badge in your language to add it to your website, your own World Prematurity Day material such as press releases, posts or graphics if you want to show your engagement in this initiative for preterm babies and their families.
Please respect the copyright and do not alter the badge.
Our thanks go to the many supporters who helped us with the translations.
World Prematurity Day - Factsheet
The World Prematurity Day 2024 factsheet includes all important information on this awareness day and campaign at a glance.
World Prematurity Day - Further informative material
Global and country-level preterm birth estimates
World Prematurity Day - Socks cutting pattern
The famous socks line is the uniting symbol of the Socks for Life campaign. Please download the cutting pattern for a paper version.
Download socks line cutting pattern (in English)
Download Schnittmuster für Söckchenleine (auf Deutsch)

World Prematurity Day - Knitting instructions
If you want to knit socks for (preterm) babies or for preparing a socks line made of cotton socks, please download the knitting instructions.
Download knitting instructions for socks (in English)
Download Strickanleitung für Söckchen (auf Deutsch)